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Главная » 2015 » Июнь » 11 » Strange Ancient Colombian Artifacts Made With Highly Advanced Alien Technology
Strange Ancient Colombian Artifacts Made With Highly Advanced Alien Technology

These astonishing artifacts are made out of lydite, an exceptionally hard stone that is nearly the same hardness as granite. What is exceptional about these ancient objects is that would be practically impossible to make the same artifacts today in our modern era using the same materials!

Who created them and for what purpose? How were they manufactured?

Colombia remains a country full of ancient secrets. It is here we encounter several very strange and sophisticated artifacts that were made with unknown ancient technology.

These puzzling artifacts are estimated to be more than 6,000 years old. Who created them and for what purpose? How were they manufactured?

A tool made out of lydite. What was it used for?

MessageToEagle.com has previously reported about the Genetic Disc, a remarkable artifact that could re-write ancient history and our origins.

The Genetic Disc was originally discovered in Colombia by Professor Jamie Gutierrez. Since it does not fit any existing pre-Columbian culture, it is assumed to be more than 6,000 years old and was created by an unknown ancient civilization that used alien technology.

Remarkabel ancient Genetic Disc could re-write ancient history.

    The truth is we have no idea how or why the carvings were made at a time when humans were not supposed to have knowledge of advanced biology and microscope technology.

The creators of the "Genetic Disc," carved depictions of human biology that can only be seen with a microscope!

Professor Jamie Gutierrez came also across other very intriguing artifacts that modern science cannot explain. Here are some of them.

This is an ancient flute. Its holes are carved so perfectly that it would be difficult for us to replicate even with today’s machinery.

Here is another ancient flute. This one is designed in the image of an alligator.

This is a knife, also made of lydite.

Yet another instrument used for unknown purpose.

Is this being sitting in what we today call an armchair?

Were these medical instruments
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