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Главная » 2015 » Май » 28 » Red Light / UFO Zooming Over White Rock Lake
Red Light / UFO Zooming Over White Rock Lake

"We were fishing off a pier at white rock lake.It started getting dark and i had my neices my wife and daughter with me and they had to be in school the next day so i thought we'd call it a night.Long story short everybody walked to the car except my 13 yr old neice and myself.We were folding chairs heading off the fishing dock somehow i or we just noticed this huge lighted object right over the treetops.I stood there for a full minute and just stared and yelling at my neice(do u see that cursing a little which she responded (ya what is it)? It just appeared from nowhere silent just sitting there.After about a minute it just glided to the l eft about 50-100 ft.Than i tell her to run and go tell my wife if she sees it.She took off like rinning a 300 meter dash. I started pulling my phone out i put it up .while trying to zoom the screen it started moving behind the trees like it was hiding from the pictures.I got a 11 second video which only the first 3 seconds show like a orb moving behind the trees.which wasnt at all what our eyes saw! I always keep a digital camera on myself because of alot of weird star like objects i take pictures of which i didnt have this time.well thats another story.Yesterday i ssked myneice to draw a pic of what she saw and she saidshedidnt know how to draw it.Luckily she drew it when she sent it to me i couldnt believe it.What i saw was just like a long line of lights i was thinkin cigar form,maybe because i was staring directly into the lights.I will post her drawing and snapshots of my video.Another weird thing is the next day i looked on websites to see if anyone else saw anything in the area and nothing was reported.I couldnt believe it.Where the object was wouldhave been a couple hundred feet above heavily traveled buckner rd.Unless somehow it only reveiled itself to us which i doubt.I could have amb o st thrown a large rock and hit the object.To close for comfort.Om glad my neice was with me people would have thought i was crazy.And her detailed surprised me.Now i wish i would not have asked her to draw the pic which now she might see more of these things,i dont know if its a good or bad thing,because i had 1 bad experience on new years 2 yrs ago.Thats another story also."
Категория: UFO | Просмотров: 1236 | Добавил: СМЕРШ
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«  Май 2015  »
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Биологи обнаружили дельфина, разговаривающего с собой
топзик - не трогайте мою маму)))
ты наверное подумал что что то умное сказал?
а ты с к (от satt)

Биологи обнаружили дельфина, разговаривающего с собой
Ну тут ещё надо провести исследование что происходит когда человек ,заблудившийся в лесу ,аукает. Он (от Везунчик)
Обнаружен уникальный древнеегипетский символ
На рисунке к статье как раз хамелеон. Обычный рисунок с натуры. Если говорить о зодиакальных символа (от Везунчик)
Биологи обнаружили дельфина, разговаривающего с собой
У нас тут тоже есть такой "дельфин". topzz)
Обнаружен уникальный древнеегипетский символ
Тот кто выбивал эту фигуру(символ,рисунок) не знал что будет через много веков,символом козерога.Он, (от coka)