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Главная » 2015 » Май » 29 » Ghosts spook staff at luxury rental building
Ghosts spook staff at luxury rental building

At least three doormen have quit over reports of paranormal activity within the last six months. The 123 On The Park building in New York, which sits on the site of the historic Caledonian Hospital, was reopened as a block of luxury apartments after renovations were completed last summer.

Not long afterwards however tales began to emerge of mysterious voices and eerie footsteps echoing through its corridors, stories that some people have come to attribute to the ghosts of the hospital's former patients still wandering aimlessly through the building.

The activity has made it more difficult for the owners to rent out the apartments and reports indicate that at least three doormen quit their jobs because they were too terrified to work there.

A superintendent of a nearby building recalled being told by one of the current doormen that the place was "a messed-up place to work" due to its haunted reputation.

"He said he was doing routine security walks in the basement and the back of the building, and every time he would go down there by himself, he would hear footsteps echoing around him," he said.

"He told me he felt like a presence was following him."

Категория: Supernatural | Просмотров: 1308 | Добавил: СМЕРШ
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«  Май 2015  »
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Биологи обнаружили дельфина, разговаривающего с собой
топзик - не трогайте мою маму)))
ты наверное подумал что что то умное сказал?
а ты с к (от satt)

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У нас тут тоже есть такой "дельфин". topzz)
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