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Главная » 2015 » Май » 30 » Mystery orb sighted at U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame
Mystery orb sighted at U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame

A mysterious sighting on surveillance video at a local attraction has staff and visitors wondering if the century-old building is haunted. On two separate occasions in just the last weeks, an orb-shaped object has been spotted at the U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame Museum on Pine Street in Titusville.

In both videos, the object quickly comes into the frame and within mere seconds, it disappears.

We can't explain it, nor can the fellas who put in the system for us," said Charlie Mars, president of the museum.

Mars says in both instances the lights and air conditioning were turned off, a reason he rules out that what the video shows is a glare or dust ball, like some staffers think it is.

"There are many items in here that were brought in by people who are no longer with us," said Mars. "They could be coming back to check on it."

He says this type of unexplainable activity is nothing new for the space museum, which just moved into a 100-year-old building after spending the last 10 years in a building on Main Street.

"We have had a number of things like that have occurred in the past 10 or 12 years that we didn't have an explanation for," said Mars.

Some wonder if the historic building, which once served as the original county records facility, is haunted.

But for the staff at the museum, whether the orb-shaped object is a glare, dust ball, or perhaps the spirit of Neil Armstrong, it's something for them to talk about.

"We love having something come in unexplainable," said Mars. "It gives us a chance to interchange with each other and talk about what it could possibly be."
Категория: UFO | Просмотров: 1458 | Добавил: СМЕРШ
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«  Май 2015  »
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