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Главная » 2015 » Июнь » 13 » Tunohopu Marae closed following geyser eruption
Tunohopu Marae closed following geyser eruption

In Rotorua, Tunohopu Marae in Ohinemutu has been shut down this week after the eruption of a geyser in the women's toilets. Te Kāea reporter Mere McLean spoke to the marae chairwoman about the situation.

Norma Sturley made the decision to close down the marae.

"At the end of the day it's about health and safely and making sure when people use our Marae, nothing's going to happen to them," says Sturley.

Tuhonopu Marae is normally a hive of activity hosting groups all year round and the usual marae operations of funerals and family gatherings. This decision was a no brainer.

Sturley says, "If the ngāwhā decided to come through full force it would of exposed and spread everywhere. That's the danger of it and the seriousness of it, so we've made the call to close the Marae."

Norma Sturley says, while it's upsetting to have the marae closed, they're unsure when the marae would open.

"Our marae is a taonga. People from all over the country, all over the world, use our marae. they come to stay here to learn about our history."

A spokesperson from the Rotorua Lakes Trust also says that they will be working closely with the marae concerning the geothermal activity. But for now the Marae will remain closed.
Категория: Volcanoes | Просмотров: 1159 | Добавил: СМЕРШ
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